Resource Library

DateTitleSummaryCategoriesAuthorFile TypeLinkhf:doc_categorieshf:doc_tagshf:doc_author
February 4, 2025Housing Solutions

This report by Texas 2036 focuses on actions that will allow the markets for land and housing to respond to an increasingly diverse set of demands from housing consumers.

Texas 2036pdfreportshousingtexas-2036
January 31, 2025Pathways to Rural Careers in Texas

This report by Texas 2036 details a series of policy recommendations to increase career programming in rural high schools.

Texas 2036pdfreportseducation education-and-workforcetexas-2036
January 31, 2025January 2025 President’s Report

The January 2025 President’s Report dives in on our latest report releases, past events and news.

Texas 2036pdfone-pagerpresidents-reporttexas-2036
January 31, 2025The Future of AI in Texas

As the official data partner of the Texas Lyceum, Texas 2036 created this one-pager overviewing the future of artificial intelligence in Texas.

Texas 2036pdfone-pagerai texas-lyceumtexas-2036
January 28, 2025Texas Community College Finance Reform Incentivizes Student Outcomes

This one-pager summarizes the components of HB 8 funding, including performance/base tier funding and the FAST program. It also highlights examples of how HB 8 has impacted community colleges across the state.

Texas 2036pdfone-pagereducation education-and-workforce higher-educationtexas-2036
January 24, 2025Strengthening the Texas Teacher Workforce

This four-pager by Educate Texas argues that strategic adjustments to state policy can strengthen the teacher pipeline, reversing these trends and supporting student success.

Texas 2036pdftwo-pagereducation education-and-workforcetexas-2036
January 22, 2025Empowerment Through Data: Texas’s Assessments Enable Student Support & Successes

This one-pager by The Commit Partnership delves into the quality assessments that provide stakeholders in the education system critical information about students’ educational progress and mastery of knowledge and skills.

Texas 2036pdfone-pagereducation education-and-workforcetexas-2036
January 22, 2025Strong Readers, Strong Futures: Enhance Early Literacy Policy in Texas for Improved Student Success

This one-pager by The Commit Partnership delves into how a strong start in reading leads to improved student success in Texas schools.

Texas 2036pdfone-pagereducation education-and-workforce readingtexas-2036
January 22, 2025Policy & Innovative Practice Transform Texas Students’ Post-Graduation Opportunities

This one-pager by The Commit Partnership dives into the several key policies the Texas Legislature has passed to enhance the value and rigor of Texas’ high school experience.

Texas 2036pdfone-pagereducation education-and-workforcetexas-2036
January 22, 2025Strengthening Texas’ Economy Begins with Improving Early Math Education

This one-pager by Texas 2036 delves in on how addressing low math proficiency in Texas requires targeted investment and commitment, setting students up for long-term economic success.

Texas 2036pdfone-pagereducation education-and-workforce mathtexas-2036
January 22, 2025Texas Should Continue to Invest In and Expand Rural Pathway Excellence Partnerships (R-PEP, HB 2209)

This one-pager by The Commit Partnership dives into the Rural Pathway Excellence Partnership Program (HB 2209), which was passed by the 88th Texas Legislature with the goal of increasing access of high-quality post-secondary pathways for rural students.

Texas 2036pdfone-pagereducation education-and-workforcetexas-2036
January 22, 2025Texas Should Continue to Invest in and Expand the Teacher Incentive Allotment

This one-pager by The Commit Partnership dives into the Teacher Incentive Allotment, which was designed to attract and retain highly effective educators at hard-to-staff campuses with realistic pathways to earn six-figure salaries.

Texas 2036pdfone-pagereducation education-and-workforcetexas-2036
January 15, 2025Texas Legislative Session 101

A presentation by Texas 2036’s Jordan Wat that breaks down the basics of the Legislature’s composition, the legislative process, and the Governor’s role.

Jordan Watpdfpresentationtexas-legislaturejordan-wat
December 15, 2024December 2024 President’s Report

The December 2024 President’s Report dives in on our latest report releases, past events and news.

Texas 2036pdfone-pagerpresidents-reporttexas-2036
December 11, 20248th Texas Voter Poll

Texas 2036 released the results of the 8th Texas Voter Poll, revealing a strong appetite for legislative solutions to pressing challenges like water security, education, electric grid reliability, health care costs and housing affordability.

Texas 2036pdfpolltexas-voter-polltexas-2036
November 26, 2024November 2024 – President’s Report

The November 2024 President’s Report dives in on our latest report releases, past events and news.

Texas 2036pdfone-pagerpresidents-reporttexas-2036
November 22, 2024Improving Funding Efficiencies for Classroom-to-Career Programs in Texas

This report by Texas 2036, outlines how a braided funding model — which combines multiple funding sources to support a single program — can support proven career programs in high schools across the state.

Texas 2036pdfreportseducation education-and-workforcetexas-2036
November 13, 2024Opening Doors: The State of Higher Education in Texas Prisons

This report dives in on the state of higher education in Texas prisons and makes recommendations on how Texas can reduce recidivism and improve employment outcomes among incarcerated individuals.

Carlos Ignacio Navarro, Luis Soberonpdfreportshigher-education prisons texas-prisonscarlos-ignacio-navarro luis-soberon
November 11, 2024Inconsistent Access to Advanced Coursework Across Texas School Districts

Texas 2036 submitted written testimony on Nov. 11, 2024 to the Texas Senate Subcommittee on Higher Education. The testimony provided insights on the advanced coursetaking dashboard availability of AP course offerings by district across the state.

Texas 2036pdftestimonyeducation-and-workforce higher-edtexas-2036
November 7, 2024Top Policy Opportunities for 2025

Texas 2036 highlights top policy opportunities for the 2025 Legislative Session.

Texas 2036pdfpresentationlegislative-agenda texas-legislaturetexas-2036
October 30, 2024October 2024 – President’s Report

The October 2024 President’s Report dives in on our latest report releases, past events and news.

Texas 2036pdfone-pagerpresidents-reporttexas-2036
October 29, 2024Texas 2036 Areas of Focus for the 89th Session Handout

Policy opportunities below represent the emerging, data-driven opportunities to strategically invest in our infrastructure, our people, and our economic future.

Texas 2036pdfone-pagerlegislative-agenda texas-2036texas-2036
October 23, 2024Assessing Texas’ Water infrastructure Needs

As we head into the 89th Texas Legislative Session, Texas 2036’s latest report “Foundation for Economic Growth: Assessing Texas’ Water Infrastructure Needs” dives in on how Texas can invest in our state’s water future.

Jeremy Mazurpdfreportsinfrastructure natural-resourcesjeremy-mazur
September 30, 2024September 2024 – President’s Report

The September 2024 President’s Report dives in on our latest report releases, past events and news.

Texas 2036pdfone-pagerpresidents-reporttexas-2036
September 18, 2024Senate Education Committee Joint Testimony: Reading and Math Readiness in PK-5

Texas 2036 and The Commit Partnership, joined by 28 other organizations, submitted written testimony regarding the Senate Education Committee’s interim charge related to reading and math readiness in PreK – 5th grades. The joint testimony states the recommendations considered by the Committee on this charge possess enormous potential to improve student outcomes, ultimately contributing to the development of a robust workforce and a prosperous Texas. The written testimony was submitted Sept. 18, 2024.

Texas 2036pdftestimonyeducation-and-workforce texas-2036texas-2036
September 18, 2024Senate Education Joint Testimony: Assessment Interim Charge

Texas 2036 joined Good Reason Houston and other organizations in written testimony on the Senate Education Committee’s interim charge reflecting the strides Texas has made in high-quality testing and the Texas Through-year Testing Pilot. The joint testimony recommended the Legislature for ongoing support for the pilot program in order to meet the educational needs of Texas teachers and students. The written testimony was submitted Sept. 18, 2024.

Texas 2036pdftestimonyeducation-and-workforce texas-2036texas-2036
September 16, 2024The State of Mental Health in Texas

As the official data partner of the Texas Lyceum, Texas 2036 gathered data on the state of mental health in Texas.

Texas 2036pdfone-pagerdata mental-health texas-lyceumtexas-2036
September 9, 2024Texas Public School Accountability Ratings Are Essential

This August, a court order prevented the release of A-F accountability ratings. This marks the second year ratings were blocked by litigation.

Texas 2036pdfone-pagertexas-2036
August 28, 2024August 2024 – President’s Report

The August 2024 President’s Report dives in on our latest report releases, past events and news.

Texas 2036pdfone-pagerpresidents-reporttexas-2036
August 14, 2024House Public Education Testimony: Teacher Certifications

Educate Texas, Texas 2036 and other organizations submitted written testimony on the House Public Education Committee’s interim charge regarding uncertified

Texas 2036pdftestimonytexas-2036
August 13, 2024Texas Should Continue to Invest in and Expand Rural Pathway Excellence Partnerships (R-PEP)

We encourage the committee to further strengthen and leverage R-PEP in the coming legislative session by providing planning and implementation grants.

Texas 2036pdfone-pagertexas-2036
August 13, 2024House Public Education Testimony: SB 2124 Implementation

E3 Alliance, Texas 2036 and 8 more organizations submit written testimony to share positive outcomes and reflections on the implementation of SB 2124 passed during the 88th Legislature.

Texas 2036pdftestimonytexas-2036
August 13, 2024House Public Education Testimony: Early Literacy & Numeracy Outcomes

The Commit Partnership, Texas 2036 and 26 organizations provide written testimony regarding the interim charge related to foundational early literacy
and numeracy outcomes.

Texas 2036pdftestimonytexas-2036
August 13, 2024Lawsuits Threaten Transparency: More Focus Needed on College and Career Preparation

Accountability ratings delay denies parents and students opportunity to address career gaps.

Texas 2036pdfpress-releasetexas-2036
August 12, 2024House Public Education Testimony: R-PEP Recommendations

Texas 2036 provided written testimony to the Aug. 12, 2024, House Public Education Committee with policy recommendations to better implement the R-PEP program.

Texas 2036pdftestimonytexas-2036
August 12, 2024House Public Education Testimony: HQIM implementation

The Commit Partnership and 11 partner organizations provided written testimony to the Aug. 12, 2024, House Public Education Committee on implementation of HB 1605 (88-R).

The Commit Partnershippdftestimonythe-commit-partnership
August 7, 2024Texas Community Colleges: Shaping Opportunity for Texans

As part of our data-driven handout series, Texas 2036 breaks down the data behind Texas community colleges and how they’re shaping opportunities for students.

Texas 2036pdfone-pagertexas-2036
July 26, 2024July 2024 – President’s Report

The July 2024 President’s Report dives in on our latest report releases, past events and news.

Texas 2036pdfone-pagerpresidents-reporttexas-2036
July 11, 2024Oil and Gas: Powering the Texas Century

As part of our data-driven handout series, Texas 2036 reviews how big of an impact the oil and gas industry has in Texas.

Texas 2036pdfone-pagerenergy natural-resources oil-and-gastexas-2036
June 21, 2024June 2024 – President’s Report

The June 2024 President’s Report dives in on our latest report releases, past events and news.

Texas 2036pdfone-pagerpresidents-report texas-2036texas-2036
June 13, 2024Economic Benefits of Texas’ Energy Expansion

This handout was used to support testimony by Texas 2036’s Jeremy Mazur on June 13, 2024 at the Senate Natural Resources and Economic Development Committee hearing.

June 13, 2024Texas Electric Grid: 101

As part of our data-driven handout series, Texas 2036 reviews how much electric power we’re using, how much we’ll need in the future and what Texas is doing to meet that growing energy demand this summer and beyond.

Texas 2036pdfone-pagerelectric-grid energytexas-2036
June 5, 2024A Closer Look at Texas’ Prison System

As part of our data-driven handout series, we take a look at Texas’ prison system to better understand who make up the state’s frontline workers and the inmates and parolees they supervise.

Texas 2036pdfone-pagercriminal-justice tdcj texas-prisonstexas-2036
May 30, 2024May 2024 – President’s Report

The May 2024 President’s Report dives in on our latest report releases, past events and news.

Texas 2036pdfone-pagerpresidents-reporttexas-2036
May 22, 2024What’s Next for Texas Graduates?

As part of our data-driven handout series, we take a look at what the data says about what the future has in store for these newly minted graduates as they leave the schoolhouse door.

Texas 2036pdfone-pagerdata education-and-workforcetexas-2036
May 15, 2024The Future of AI in Texas

As part of our data-driven handout series, we explore how Texas is working to reap AI’s many benefits while responsibly managing the technology’s risks.

Texas 2036pdfone-pagerai artificial-intelligence datatexas-2036
May 9, 2024The State of Parenting in Texas

As part of our data-driven handout series, we take a look at how Texas parents are faring, including where opportunities exist for the state to do better.

Texas 2036pdfone-pagerdata parentstexas-2036
April 30, 2024April 2024 – President’s Report

The April 2024 President’s Report dives in on our latest report releases, past events and news.

Texas 2036pdfone-pagerpresidents-reporttexas-2036
April 22, 2024Future Trends of Extreme Weather in Texas (2024 update)

Produced by the Texas State Climatologist at Texas A&M University, Dr. John Nielsen-Gammon, in collaboration with Texas 2036, this updated study details significant increases in 100-degree days, intensifying droughts and heightened urban flooding events.

pdfreportsextreme-weather texas-2036
April 22, 2024Extreme Weather 2024 Handout

The latest edition of “Future Trends of Extreme Weather in Texas” reveals a concerning acceleration in extreme weather conditions across the state. The 2024 handout breaks down the top takeaways from the updated report.

pdftwo-pagerextreme-weather texas-2036
April 16, 2024Solving for X in Texas

In this report, Texas 2036 looked at multiple data sources and gathered lessons from at home and other states in their report on Texas students’ math proficiency.

pdfreportseducation-and-workforce math texas-2036
April 16, 2024Solving for X in Texas Handout

Texas 2036 looked at multiple data sources and gathered lessons from at home and other states in their report on Texas students’ math proficiency. This handout highlights the top takeaways of the report.

pdftwo-pagereducation-and-workforce math texas-2036
April 4, 2024Making a Texas-sized Impact in Space

As the official data partner of the Texas Lyceum, Texas 2036 gathered data on the important role that Texas plays in advancing the space sector for the nation — and we attempt to answer this big question: How does Texas compare to other states in this newest race to open the final frontier?

pdfone-pagerspace texas-2036
February 7, 2024Texas 2036 – Who We Are

A digital booklet that breaks down who Texas 2036 is and how the nonpartisan nonprofit raises awareness, forges data-driven solutions, thinks strategically and drives change.

Texas 2036pdftwo-pagertexas-2036texas-2036
January 29, 2024SBOE Testimony: Proposed HQIM Rule Change

Texas 2036 along with Commit, Texas Business Leadership Council, Greater Houston Partnership and Democrats For Education Reform Texas, submitted public comment on Jan. 29, 2024 to propose new HQIM rule changes on House Bill 1605.

Texas 2036pdftestimonyeducation high-quality-instructional-materialstexas-2036
December 12, 2023Who are the Uninsured? – 2023 Report

Texas 2036 conducted a multi-year study to identify systemic, behavioral and psychological obstacles to Texans having access to Texans gaining affordable coverage.

pdfreportshealth-care texas-2036 uninsured
December 12, 2023Who Are the Uninsured in Texas? – Handout

This handout highlights top takeaways from the “Who Are the Uninsured?” report where Texas 2036 conducted a multi-year study to identify systemic, behavioral and psychological obstacles to Texans having access to Texans gaining affordable coverage.

pdfone-pagerhealth-care texas-2036 uninsured
November 16, 2023The Texas 2036 Difference: Generational Investments

This one-pager by Texas 2036 dives in on the organization’s supported legislation during the 88th Legislature to bring forward these amendments on water, broadband and state parks, opening the door for greater economic development and enhancing community vitality across the state.

Texas 2036pdfone-pagerbroadband natural-resources watertexas-2036
November 15, 2023The Texas 2036 Difference: Health Care Texans Need at a Price They Can Afford

A case study handout by Texas 2036 that breaks down the organization’s process on health care access and affordability in Texas leading up to and during the 88th Legislative Session.

Texas 2036pdfreportshealth-care health-care-price-transparencytexas-2036
November 15, 2023The Texas 2036 Difference: Texas Law Enforcement Data Landscape Case Study

A case study handout by Texas 2036 that breaks down the organization’s process on Texas’ law enforcement data landscape leading up to and during the 88th Legislative Session.

Texas 2036pdfreportsjustice-and-safetytexas-2036
November 15, 2023The Texas 2036 Difference: Rethinking Community Colleges and the Workforce of the Future

A case study handout by Texas 2036 that breaks down the organization’s process on rethinking community colleges and the workforce of the future leading up to and during the 88th Legislative Session.

Texas 2036pdfreportseducation-and-workforcetexas-2036
November 15, 2023The Texas 2036 Difference: Securing Texas’ Water Future

A case study handout by Texas 2036 that breaks down its process on securing Texas’ water future leading up to and during the 88th Legislative Session.

Texas 2036pdfreportsinfrastructure natural-resourcestexas-2036
October 25, 2023Health Care Consolidation: Harms & Remedies

A presentation by Texas 2036 at the St. Louis Area Business Coalition on Health’s Annual Conference on health care prices, market consolidation and policy solutions, along with Texas’ story with HB 711.

Charles Millerpdfpresentationhealth-carecharles-miller
October 25, 2023Early Literacy: Providing Texas Students a Promising Future

A one-pager highlighting the importance of early literacy for a student’s later achievement signed by a coalition of education and business organizations.

Texas 2036, The Commit Partnershippdfone-pagereducation-and-workforcetexas-2036 the-commit-partnership
October 24, 2023The Affordable Care Act in Texas

A presentation by Texas 2036 for the 2023 Society of Actuaries ImpACT Conference on the Affordable Care Act Market dynamics in Texas, past and future.

Charles Millerpdfpresentationhealth-carecharles-miller
October 23, 2023Inspiring Innovative Health Solutions

A presentation by Texas 2036 for the 2023 Society of Actuaries ImpACT Conference on Health Care Price Transparency.

Charles Millerpdfpresentationhealth-carecharles-miller
October 13, 20232024 Qualified Allocation Plan Rules Letter

Letter to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs in support the proposed Qualified Allocation Plan rules, which could help expand access to education.

Texas 2036pdfletterchild-welfare housingtexas-2036
October 5, 20237th Texas Voter Poll Overall Toplines – August 2023

The overall toplines of Texas 2036’s 7th Texas Voter Poll, conducted by Baselice & Associates Inc.

Texas 2036pdfreportstexas-voter-polltexas-2036
October 5, 20237th Texas Voter Poll Brochure – August 2023 pt. IV Health Care

A handout by Texas 2036 highlighting key findings from its 7th Texas Voter Poll part IV about health care in Texas.

Texas 2036pdfreportstexas-voter-polltexas-2036
September 28, 20237th Texas Voter Poll Brochure – August 2023 pt. III Migration

A handout by Texas 2036 highlighting key findings from its 7th Texas Voter Poll part III about migration to and from Texas.

Texas 2036pdfreportstexas-voter-polltexas-2036
September 28, 20237th Texas Voter Poll Toplines – August 2023 pt. III

The toplines of Texas 2036’s 7th Texas Voter Poll pt. III, conducted by Baselice & Associates Inc.

Texas 2036pdfreportstexas-voter-polltexas-2036
September 27, 2023Improving early literacy in a Special Legislative Session

A letter to the Governor’s office signed by 16 organizations asking to include provisions to improve early literacy outcomes similar to those in House Bill 2162 (88R) if a special session is called.

Texas 2036pdflettereducation-and-workforcetexas-2036
September 20, 20237th Texas Voter Poll Toplines – August 2023 pt. I & II

The toplines of Texas 2036’s 7th Texas Voter Poll pt. I and II, conducted by Baselice & Associates Inc.

Texas 2036pdfreportsbroadband infrastructure parks texas-voter-poll watertexas-2036
September 20, 20237th Texas Voter Poll Brochure – August 2023 pt. II infrastructure

A handout by Texas 2036 highlighting key findings from its 7th Texas Voter Poll part II about infrastructure and constitutional amendments.

Texas 2036pdfreportsbroadband infrastructure parks texas-voter-poll watertexas-2036
September 20, 2023Majorities of Texas Voters Stand Ready to Sign Off on Billions for Critical Infrastructure

A press release from Texas 2036 about its 7th Texas Voter Poll. Our second release highlights results that voters across the state are expressing urgency for investments in water, state parks and broadband.

Texas 2036pdfpress-releasebroadband infrastructure parks texas-voter-poll watertexas-2036
September 14, 20237th Texas Voter Poll Toplines – August 2023 pt. I education

The toplines of Texas 2036’s 7th Texas Voter Poll pt. I, conducted by Baselice & Associates Inc.

Texas 2036pdfreportstexas-voter-polltexas-2036
September 14, 20237th Texas Voter Poll Brochure – August 2023 pt. I education

A handout by Texas 2036 highlighting key findings from its 7th Texas Voter Poll part I about education.

Texas 2036pdfreportstexas-voter-polltexas-2036
September 14, 2023Texas Voter Poll Reveals Strong Support for Rigorous Accountability Standards, Deep Concern for the Future of Texas

A press release from Texas 2036 about its 7th Texas Voter Poll. Preliminary results show concern about the prospects for future generations while strong
majorities support elevated academic standards.

Texas 2036pdfpress-releasetexas-voter-polltexas-2036
September 11, 2023Focus Areas 2023-2025: Building Blocks of the 21st Century

A one-pager highlighting how Texas 2036 will focus to improve the state’s water resiliency and security, promote energy expansion, prepare for extreme weather, and embrace technological innovations that can drive future growth. This is one of three 2023-2025 Focus Areas.

Texas 2036pdfone-pagerinfrastructure ittexas-2036
September 11, 2023Focus Areas 2023-2025: Pioneering Pathways to Health and Economic Security

A one-pager highlighting how to ensure our state remains the best place to grow a business and raise a family, Texas 2036 will focus on key drivers that impact cost of living and competitiveness: health care and housing. This is one of three 2023-2025 Focus Areas.

Texas 2036pdfone-pagerhealth-care housing infrastructuretexas-2036
September 11, 2023Focus Areas 2023-2025: Shaping Tomorrow’s Workforce

A one-pager highlighting how Texas 2036 is pioneering projects to cultivate a resilient, future-ready workforce where more Texans earn a family-sustaining wage as part of its 2023-2025 Focus Areas.

Texas 2036pdfone-pagereducation-and-workforce justice-and-safetytexas-2036
September 11, 2023Focus Areas 2023-2035

A series of one-pagers highlighting Texas 2036’s three focus areas for 2023-2035: Shaping Tomorrow’s Workforce, Pioneering Pathways to Health and Economic Security, and Building Blocks of the 21st Century.

Texas 2036pdfone-pagereducation-and-workforce health-care housing infrastructure it justice-and-safetytexas-2036
September 8, 2023School & Educator Finance Letter

A letter by the Commit Partnership to the Governor’s office regarding school and education finance in an upcoming special session.

Texas 2036, The Commit Partnershippdflettereducation-and-workforcetexas-2036 the-commit-partnership
August 15, 2023Health Care Consolidation: Harms & Remedies

A presentation by Texas 2036 for the National Academy for State Health Policy Annual Conference on consolidation and Texas’ story in passing House Bill 711.

Charles Millerpdfpresentationhealth-carecharles-miller
August 15, 20232023 Legislative Report

A Legislative Report highlighting the 77 Texas 2036-supported bills passed by the 88th Legislature in 2023 across policy areas of education and workforce, health care, infrastructure, government performance, and justice and safety.

Texas 2036pdfreportseducation-and-workforce government-performance health-care infrastructure justice-and-safety natural-resourcestexas-2036
August 15, 20232022 Annual Report

The 2022 Annual Report for Texas 2036.

Texas 2036pdfreportseducation-and-workforce government-performance health-care infrastructure justice-and-safety natural-resourcestexas-2036
July 18, 2023Workforce Composition, Trends and Alignment Report

A Texas 2036-commissioned report by Alexander Research & Consulting addressing long-term, forward-looking trends that will impact workforce demand in the state.

Caroline Alexander, Texas 2036pdfreportseducation-and-workforcecaroline-alexander texas-2036
July 13, 2023Texas’s Opportunity to Become a National Leader in Teacher Workforce Practices

A presentation by the Texas 2036 on continuing teacher policy work from the 88th Legislative Session.

Gabe Granthampdfpresentationeducation-and-workforcegabe-grantham
July 12, 2023Joint Letter on Assessment and Accountability

A letter by Good Reason Houston, signed by Texas 2036 and other organizations from across Texas, to the Educational Opportunity and Enrichment Committee regarding academic assessment and accountability, which focuses on student learning and improving student success.

Texas 2036pdflettereducation-and-workforcetexas-2036
July 12, 2023Joint Letter on Assessment and Accountability

A letter by Good Reason Houston, signed by Texas 2036 and other organizations from across Texas, to the Educational Opportunity and Enrichment Committee regarding academic assessment and accountability, which focuses on student learning and improving student success.

Texas 2036pdflettereducation-and-workforcetexas-2036
July 11, 2023Testimony for the Select Committee on Education Opportunity & Enrichment 

A presentation by Texas 2036 to support oral testimony for the Select Committee on Education Opportunity & Enrichment.

Mary Lynn Prunedapdfpresentationeducation-and-workforcemary-lynn-pruneda
July 11, 2023Health Care Consolidation: Harms & Remedies

A presentation by Texas 2036 at the Waxman Arnold Congressional Staff Briefing in Washington D.C. on health care prices, market consolidation and policy solutions, along with Texas’ story with HB 711.

Charles Millerpdfpresentationhealth-carecharles-miller
July 10, 2023Finalized Letter to House Select Committee on Educator and School Finance

A letter of testimony by The Commit Partnership, signed by Texas 2036 and other organizations from across Texas, to the House Select Committee in support of improving student outcomes as well as supporting educators and educational institutions.

Texas 2036, The Commit Partnershippdflettereducation-and-workforcetexas-2036 the-commit-partnership
June 28, 2023Health Care Price Transparency

A presentation by Texas 2036 on health care price transparency.

Charles Millerpptxpresentationhealth-carecharles-miller
June 20, 2023Investing in Texas: 2023 Legislative Session Brochure

A brochure highlighting the top Texas 2036-endorsed bills from the 88th Legislature.

Texas 2036pdfreportstexas-2036
June 6, 2023Key Accomplishments in the 88th Legislature: Government Performance

An issue paper by Texas 2036 about key government performance accomplishments in the 88th Legislature, including funds toward strategies that will fuel economic growth, better serve Texas taxpayers, and ensure the state remains financially secure into the future.

Hope Osborn, Rahul Sreenivasanpdfone-pagergovernment-performancehope-osborn rahul-sreenivasan
June 6, 2023Key Accomplishments in the 88th Legislature: Justice and Safety

An issue paper by Texas 2036 about key justice and safety accomplishments in the 88th Legislature, including data and technology, enhancements on policing, the judiciary, and child welfare.

Hope Osborn, Luis Soberonpdfone-pagerjustice-and-safetyhope-osborn luis-soberon
June 6, 2023Key Accomplishments in the 88th Legislature: Health Care

An issue paper by Texas 2036 about key health care accomplishments in the 88th Legislature, including increasing affordability and access across the state, initiating ambitious reforms to revive and recalibrate health care markets, and improve the efficiency and functioning of safety nets.

Charles Miller, Emily Brizzolara-Dovepdfone-pagerhealth-carecharles-miller emily-brizzolara-dove
June 6, 2023Key Accomplishments in the 88th Legislature: Infrastructure

An issue paper by Texas 2036 about key infrastructure accomplishments in the 88th Legislature, including water infrastructure and increasing broadband access, enhancing state parks, and expanding the state’s energy portfolio.

Emily Brizzolara-Dove, Jeremy Mazur, Mitrah Avini, Rahul Sreenivasanpdfone-pagerinfrastructureemily-brizzolara-dove jeremy-mazur mitrah-avini rahul-sreenivasan
June 6, 2023Key Accomplishments in the 88th Legislature: Education and Workforce

An issue paper by Texas 2036 about key education and workforce accomplishments in the 88th Legislature, including reforms in community college finance, strategic expansion of apprenticeship programs, and the further alignment of education-to-workforce outcomes.

Gabe Grantham, Mary Lynn Pruneda, Renzo Sotopdfone-pagereducation-and-workforcegabe-grantham mary-lynn-pruneda renzo-soto
June 6, 2023Key Accomplishments in the 88th Legislature

Five issue papers by Texas 2036 highlighting key accomplishments in the 88th Legislature.

Texas 2036pdfone-pagertexas-2036
May 24, 2023In support of House Bill 1416 (Rep. Bell / Sen. Paxton)

A letter of testimony by The Commit Partnership signed by Texas 2036 and other organizations from across Texas to Governor Greg Abbott in support of House Bill 1416, which highlights the importance of investing in high-impact tutoring with evidenced-backed ratios for improving student outcomes.

Texas 2036, The Commit Partnershippdflettereducation-and-workforcetexas-2036 the-commit-partnership
May 16, 2023Support for House Bill 1703: Support Texans Finding Good Jobs

A one-pager by Texas 2036 about how House Bill 1703 would help address these negative workforce development program outcomes, which have been persistent for Texas veterans and others in the latter half of the past decade.

Renzo Sotopdfone-pagerrenzo-soto
May 10, 2023Senate Committee Substitute House Bill 1416

A letter of testimony by The Commit Partnership signed by Texas 2036 and other organizations from across Texas to the Senate Education Committee in support of House Bill 1416, which highlights the importance of investing in high-impact tutoring with evidenced-backed ratios for improving student outcomes.

Texas 2036, The Commit Partnershippdflettereducation-and-workforcetexas-2036 the-commit-partnership
May 2, 2023Texas Women Data Pop Quiz

Quiz that was presented as part of Texas Lyceum’s State of Texas Women Conference April 27-29 in McAllen.

Holly Heardpdfpresentationholly-heard
May 2, 2023Support HB 1605: Providing Texas Teachers, Students, and Districts Access to High Quality Instructional Materials

A one-pager by The Coalition for Education Excellence, including Texas 2036, demonstrating how House Bill 1605 promotes student growth and supports Texas teachers.

Texas 2036pdfone-pagereducation-and-workforcetexas-2036
April 28, 2023HB 4451: Apprenticeships in Emerging & High-Demand Industries

Written testimony by Texas 2036 about House Bill 4451, which would support more apprenticeships in emerging and high-demand industries.

Renzo Sotopdftestimonyrenzo-soto
April 27, 2023Support for HB 2162

A letter by Texas 2036 and multiple education organizations, in support of House Bill 2162, which focuses on improving early literacy.

Texas 2036pdflettereducation-and-workforcetexas-2036
April 23, 2023With HB 11, Texas to become national leader in teacher workforce practice

A one-pager by Educate Texas and supporting organizations, including Texas 2036, which highlights why HB 11 advances proven strategies to build a strong and effective teacher workforce.

Texas 2036pdfone-pagereducation-and-workforcetexas-2036
April 21, 2023Empowering Educators

A presentation by The Coalition for Education Excellence, including Texas 2036, on why teachers support Senate Bill 2565 and House Bill 1605.

Texas 2036pdfpresentationeducation-and-workforcetexas-2036
April 20, 2023Written testimony to House Public Education Committee against HB 4514

Written testimony by Texas 2036 and an education coalition delivered to the House Public Education Committee against HB 4514, which creates opaque A-F letter grades by adding a number of non-academic indicators into the formula.

Texas 2036pdftestimonytexas-2036
April 20, 2023Written testimony to House Public Education Committee against HB 4402

Written testimony by Texas 2036 and an education coalition delivered to the House Public Education Committee against HB 4402, which would water down the measurements that provide Texas parents insight into performance across grades and subject areas over time.

Texas 2036pdftestimonytexas-2036
April 20, 2023Written testimony submitted against HB 2615

Written testimony by the Education Trust and 15 organizations delivered to the House Public Education Committee against HB 2615, which lowers the bar for high school graduation and sacrifices the academic rigor necessary for a student’s successful transition into the workforce and/or postsecondary education.

Texas 2036, The Education Trustpdftestimonyeducation-and-workforcetexas-2036 the-education-trust
April 20, 2023Strong Accountability Matters for Students

A presentation by Texas 2036 about why a strong educational accountability system matters for Texas students and the future prosperity of the state.

Texas 2036pdfpresentationeducation-and-workforcetexas-2036
April 13, 2023Assessing the Impact of High-Quality Instructional Materials Pilot Programs

A one-pager by The Coalition for Education Excellence, including Texas 2036, outlining performance outcomes for districts that piloted the use of high-quality instructional materials.

Texas 2036pdfone-pagereducation-and-workforcetexas-2036
April 13, 2023SB 2565 & HB 1605: Transforming Texas Education

A one-pager by The Coalition for Education Excellence, including Texas 2036, on how Senate Bill 2565 and House Bill 1605 are transforming Texas education through rigorous grade-level curriculum.

Texas 2036pdfone-pagereducation-and-workforcetexas-2036
April 12, 2023SB 1261- High-Impact Tutoring Ratios

A one-page report by multiple chambers of commerce and education organizations in support of SB 1261 and how high-impact tutoring ratios are key to accelerating academic success.

Texas 2036, The Commit Partnershippdfone-pagereducation-and-workforcetexas-2036 the-commit-partnership
April 12, 2023Written testimony to the Senate Education Committee in support of SB 1261

Written testimony by the Commit Partnership delivered to the Senate Education Committee for SB 1261 in light of the effects of COVID-19 on PK-12 learning loss and best practices that exist to accelerate students’ learning.

Texas 2036, The Commit Partnershippdftestimonyeducation-and-workforcetexas-2036 the-commit-partnership
April 11, 2023House Bill 1605

A one-pager by The Coalition for Education Excellence, including Texas 2036, providing facts and dispelling misconceptions regarding House Bill 1605.

Texas 2036pdfone-pagereducation-and-workforcetexas-2036
April 6, 2023Senate Bill 2565

A one-pager by The Coalition for Education Excellence, including Texas 2036, providing facts and dispelling misconceptions regarding Senate Bill 2565.

Texas 2036pdfone-pagereducation-and-workforcetexas-2036
April 4, 2023Leveraging Data to Improve State Workforce Programs

A one-page policy brief by Texas 2036 about how updating Texas’ Workforce Development Evaluation System would allow for optimization of taxpayer-funded workforce training programs.

Renzo Sotopdfpolicy-briefeducation-and-workforcerenzo-soto
March 29, 2023Curriculum Reform in Texas: A Call to Action

A one-pager by The Coalition for Education Excellence, including Texas 2036, in support of Senate Bill 2565 and House Bill 1605, which focuses on high-quality instructional materials and increased academic rigor for Texas students.

Texas 2036pdfone-pagereducation-and-workforcetexas-2036
March 27, 2023Bill List for the 88th Legislative Session: Public Education

A one-pager by Texas 2036 that includes key takeaways and bills to monitor for our major areas of engagement in the 88th Legislature. This handout focuses on public education.

Texas 2036pdfone-pagereducation-and-workforcetexas-2036
March 27, 2023Bill List for the 88th Legislative Session: Cybersecurity and Information Technology

A one-pager by Texas 2036 that includes key takeaways and bills to monitor for our major areas of engagement in the 88th Legislature. This handout focuses on cybersecurity and information technology.

Texas 2036pdfone-pagergovernment-performance ittexas-2036
March 27, 2023Bill List for the 88th Legislative Session: Broadband

A one-pager by Texas 2036 that includes key takeaways and bills to monitor for our major areas of engagement in the 88th Legislature. This handout focuses on the states broadband efforts.

Texas 2036pdfone-pagerbroadband infrastructuretexas-2036
March 27, 2023Bill List for the 88th Legislative Session: Workforce Alignment

A one-pager by Texas 2036 that includes key takeaways and bills to monitor for our major areas of engagement in the 88th Legislature. This handout focuses on workforce alignment.

Texas 2036pdfone-pagereducation-and-workforcetexas-2036
March 27, 2023Bill List for the 88th Legislative Session: Sate Parks

A one-pager by Texas 2036 and Center for Public Finance at Rice University’s Baker Institute of Public Policy that includes key takeaways and bills to monitor for our major areas of engagement in the 88th Legislature. This handout focuses on state parks.

Texas 2036pdfone-pagernatural-resources parkstexas-2036
March 27, 2023Bill List for the 88th Legislative Session: Efficient and Effective Justice

A one-pager by Texas 2036 that includes key takeaways and bills to monitor for our major areas of engagement in the 88th Legislature. This handout focuses on the efficiency and effectiveness of justice.

Texas 2036pdfone-pagerjustice-and-safetytexas-2036
March 27, 2023Bill List for the 88th Legislative Session: Health and Health Care

A one-pager by Texas 2036 that includes key takeaways and bills to monitor for our major areas of engagement in the 88th Legislature. This handout focuses on health and health care.

Texas 2036pdfone-pagerhealth-caretexas-2036
March 27, 2023Bill List for the 88th Legislative Session: Water

A one-pager by Texas 2036 that includes key takeaways and bills to monitor for our major areas of engagement in the 88th Legislature. This handout focuses on water infrastructure and management strategies.

Texas 2036pdfone-pagerinfrastructure watertexas-2036
March 27, 2023Bill List for the 88th Legislative Session: Energy Expansion

A one-pager by Texas 2036 that includes key takeaways and bills to monitor for our major areas of engagement in the 88th Legislature. This handout focuses on energy expansion.

Texas 2036pdfone-pagerenergy natural-resourcestexas-2036
March 23, 2023Written Testimony in Support of HB 711, Health Care Reform

Written testimony by Texas 2036 delivered to the House Select Committee on Health Care Reform in support of HB 711, which addresses anti-competitive contracting and conduct affecting health care provider networks.

Charles Millerpdftestimonyhealth-carecharles-miller
March 23, 2023Letter to House Select Committee on Health Care Reform re: HB 711

A letter by Texas organizations focused on health care, including Texas 2036, in favor of House Bill 711, which helps address the harmful effects of excessive market concentration and market power.

Texas 2036pdfletterhealth-caretexas-2036
March 21, 2023Letter to House Public Education Committee re: HB 1605

A letter by The Coalition for Education Excellence, including Texas 2036, in favor of House Bill 1605, which focuses on high-quality instructional materials and increased academic rigor for Texas students.

Texas 2036pdflettereducation-and-workforcetexas-2036
March 21, 2023The State of Readiness: Are Texas students prepared for life after high school?

A report by Texas 2036 and George W. Bush Institute that explores how prepared Texas students are for college, career or military after high school and what the state must do to ensure future success.

George W. Bush Institute, Texas 2036pdfreportseducation-and-workforcegeorge-w-bush-institute texas-2036
March 20, 2023Community College Finance Reform Testimony to the House Higher Education Committee

Written testimony by Texas 2036 to the Texas House Committee on Higher Education in favor of House Bill 8, community college finance reform, and why it matters for Texas’ workforce.

Renzo Sotopdfpolicy-briefeducation-and-workforcerenzo-soto
March 20, 2023Written Testimony Submitted for Higher Education House Bill 8

A letter by The Commit Partnership signed by Texas 2036 and other organizations from across Texas to the House Higher Education Committee in support of House Bill 8, which proposes changes to community college finance reform to address workforce challenges.

Texas 2036, The Commit Partnershippdflettereducation-and-workforcetexas-2036 the-commit-partnership
March 16, 2023162 Texas Groups Support Health Care House Bill 12 by Rep. Toni Rose

A press release from Texas 2036 and Texans Care for Children promoting the 162 groups backing efforts to allow mothers to keep their health insurance for a full year after pregnancy.

Texas 2036pdfpress-releasehealth-caretexas-2036
March 15, 2023Who We Are

A handout by Texas 2036 that gives an overview of the organization and its vision.

Texas 2036pdfone-pagereducation-and-workforce government-performance health-care infrastructure justice-and-safety natural-resourcestexas-2036
March 13, 2023Q&A Doc – Texas Public School Curriculum

A Q&A presentation by The Coalition for Education Excellence, including Texas 2036, on understanding the process and current challenges of curriculum development, and on creating a standard curriculum for Texas public schools that maximizes student performance.

Texas 2036pdfpresentationeducation-and-workforcetexas-2036
March 8, 2023Improving Judicial Data to Improve Justice for All

A one-page report by Texas 2036 on HB 841 to require case-level data collection to better understand court backlogs.

Luis Soberonpdfone-pagerjustice-and-safetyluis-soberon
March 3, 2023The High Price for Texas’ Water Future

This handout by Texas 2036 gives an overview of what water infrastructure investments Texas will need to spend more than $150 billion on over the next 50 years.

Jeremy Mazurpdfone-pagerwaterjeremy-mazur
March 2, 2023New Poll: Legislators Have an Opportunity to Act on Texans’ Everyday Concerns

A press release from Texas 2036 about its sixth Texas Voter Poll: On Texas Independence Day, we give the Legislature a roadmap to support Texans and the concerns central to their daily lives.

Texas 2036pdfpress-releasetexas-voter-polltexas-2036
February 27, 2023Supporting the Staff, Data, and Infrastructure for TCOLE, TDCJ, & TCJS

A policy brief by Texas 2036 to the House Appropriations Subcommittee on supporting the staff, data, and infrastructure for Texas Commission on Law Enforcement, Texas Department of Criminal Justice, and Texas Commission on Jail Standards.

Luis Soberonpdfpolicy-briefjustice-and-safetyluis-soberon
February 23, 2023Improving Court Data and IT Infrastructure to Address Backlogs and Support the Judiciary

A policy brief by Texas 2036 to the House Appropriations Subcommittee on improving court data and IT infrastructure to address backlogs and support of the judiciary.

Luis Soberonpdfpolicy-briefjustice-and-safetyluis-soberon
February 22, 20236th Texas Voter Poll – February 2023

A handout by Texas 2036 highlighting key findings from its sixth Texas Voter Poll. (This version was updated on March 1 to include part two of the Texas Voter Poll release.)

Texas 2036pdfreportstexas-voter-polltexas-2036
February 22, 20236th Texas Voter Poll Toplines – February 2023

The toplines of Texas 2036’s sixth Texas Voter Poll, conducted by Baselice & Associates Inc.

Texas 2036pdfreportstexas-voter-polltexas-2036
February 22, 2023New poll shows Texas’ future is top of mind for voters

The future of Texas – and how Texas legislators can continue to address big looming problems – takes front and center on what Texas voters agree upon in Texas 2036’s sixth Texas Voter Poll.

Texas 2036pdfpress-releasetexas-voter-polltexas-2036
February 16, 2023Improving Court Data and IT Infrastructure to Address Backlogs and Support the Judiciary

A policy brief by Texas 2036 to the Senate Finance Committee on improving court data and IT infrastructure to address backlogs and support of the judiciary.

Luis Soberonpdfpolicy-briefjustice-and-safetyluis-soberon
February 8, 2023Leveraging the Potential of Community Colleges in Policy and Data-Driven Workforce Development

A report by Texas 2036 on how Texas community colleges are uniquely positioned to meet the state’s growing demands for skilled labor through efficient, accessible and affordable pathways for students to earn credentials and ultimately self-sustaining wages.

Texas 2036pdfreportseducation-and-workforcetexas-2036
February 8, 2023Support for Funding of Community College Reform

Testimony to the Senate Committee on Finance Public Community/Junior Colleges hearing in support of funding for community college reform.

Renzo Sotopdftestimonyeducation-and-workforcerenzo-soto
February 8, 2023Supporting the Staff, Data, and Infrastructure for TCOLE, TDCJ, & TCJS

A policy brief by Texas 2036 to the Senate Finance Committee on supporting the staff, data, and infrastructure for Texas Commission on Law Enforcement, Texas Department of Criminal Justice, and Texas Commission on Jail Standards.

Luis Soberonpdfpolicy-briefjustice-and-safetyluis-soberon
February 2, 2023Texas Must Invest In: Rehabilitating Aging, Deteriorating Water Infrastructure

A one-page report by Texas 2036 on Texas’ aging, deteriorating water infrastructure and how it threatens economic growth and community vitality.

Jeremy Mazurpdfone-pagernatural-resources waterjeremy-mazur
January 30, 2023Modernizing Texas’ Child Welfare IT System

A report by Texas 2036 and the Texas Alliance of Child and Family Services, who collaborated on in-house data, research and interviews around the question: “How can we improve the data system that tracks vulnerable children in Texas?”

Texas 2036, Texas Alliance of Child and Family Servicespdfreportstexas-2036 texas-alliance-of-child-and-family-services
January 30, 2023A Needed Investment: Modernizing Texas’ Child Welfare IT System

A one-page report highlights the need for modernizing the state’s child welfare IT system, including proposed legislative action and a budget cost estimate.

Hope Osbornpdfone-pagerchild-welfare justice-and-safetyhope-osborn
January 30, 2023Texas Should Not Have a Child Welfare System Where Data – and Kids – Fall Through the Cracks

Texas 2036 and the Texas Alliance of Child and Family Services released a report calling for the state to update the child welfare information system used by the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services to track case file information, including instances of possible abuse and neglect.

Texas 2036pdfpress-releasechild-welfare justice-and-safetytexas-2036
January 24, 2023Who Are the Uninsured: Project Insights January 2023

Most of the roughly 5M uninsured Texans already qualify for a government health program or for federal subsidies that would help pay for coverage—but they have not signed up. This groundbreaking, multi-year study aims to find out why.

Texas 2036pdfpresentationhealth-caretexas-2036
January 20, 2023Pathway to Aligned Workforce Reforms in 2023

View and download Texas 2036’s pathway to aligned workforce reforms arrow in 2023.

Texas 2036pptxpresentationeducation-and-workforce higher-education workforcetexas-2036
January 18, 2023Expanding Agency Capacity to Address State Water Infrastructure Needs

A one-page report by Texas 2036 on the legislative blueprint for addressing Texas’ water infrastructure needs..

Texas 2036pdfone-pagerinfrastructure natural-resourcestexas-2036
January 18, 2023Legislative Blueprint for Addressing Texas’ Water Infrastructure Crisis

This policy blueprint offers findings and recommendations that seek to both maximize the state’s leverage and deployment of IIJA dollars while using this federal funding opportunity as a catalyst for a new policy framework for addressing Texas’ water infrastructure needs.

Texas 2036pdfpolicy-briefinfrastructure natural-resourcestexas-2036
December 8, 2022Supporting the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement’s Staff & Data Infrastructure

A policy brief by Texas 2036 to the House Appropriations Committee on supporting the Texas Commission on law enforcement’s staff and data infrastructure.

Luis Soberonpdfpolicy-briefjustice-and-safetyluis-soberon
December 2, 20222023 Legislative Agenda

Texas 2036 highlights its four priority areas for the 2023 Legislative Session.

Texas 2036pdfone-pagerlegislative-agendatexas-2036
December 2, 2022Top Policy Opportunities for 2023

Texas 2036 highlights top policy opportunities for the 2023 Legislative Session.

Texas 2036pdfpresentationlegislative-agendatexas-2036
November 30, 2022Public Utility Commission of Texas Sunset Report

Letter of recommendation to the Texas Sunset Advisory Commission in support of new performance measures that ensure greater accountability and up-to-date evaluation procedures to encourage the development of regional solutions.

Emily Brizzolara-Dove, Jeremy Mazurpdfletterbudget natural-resourcesemily-brizzolara-dove jeremy-mazur
November 1, 2022The Challenge of Wandering Officers in Texas Key Findings from the Texas Law Enforcement Data Landscape

A presentation by Texas 2036 and Benchmark Analytics on the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement regarding law enforcement data transparency and accountability.

Benchmark Analytics, Texas 2036pdfpresentationgovernment-performancebenchmark-analytics texas-2036
November 1, 2022Texas Law Enforcement Data Landscape

A summary report by Texas 2036 and Benchmark Analytics on the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement regarding law enforcement data transparency and accountability.

Benchmark Analytics, Texas 2036pdfpress-releasegovernment-performancebenchmark-analytics texas-2036
November 1, 2022Texas Law Enforcement Data Landscape

A report by Texas 2036 and Benchmark Analytics on the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement regarding law enforcement data transparency and accountability.

Benchmark Analytics, Texas 2036pdfreportsjustice-and-safetybenchmark-analytics texas-2036
October 6, 2022Texas Republican, Democratic voters agree on key issues going into midterm elections

A report by Texas 2036 shows Texas voters across party lines support a road map for future state action in fundamental policy areas.

Texas 2036pdfpress-releasetexas-voter-polltexas-2036
October 6, 20225th Texas Voter Poll – September 2022

Texas 2036’s fifth Texas Voter Poll offers a vital perspective on what really matters to Texans, offering leaders a road map for strengthening voter confidence, and presents a clear road map for addressing the priorities across party lines.

Texas 2036pdfreportstexas-voter-polltexas-2036
September 30, 2022Preserving Public Land for Economic and Environmental Benefit

Legislative Appropriations Request testimony to the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department for preservation of public land for economic and environmental benefit.

Jeremy Mazurpdftestimonylegislative-appropriations-requests natural-resources parksjeremy-mazur
September 30, 2022Continued Investment into State IT and Cybersecurity is Critical

Legislative Appropriations Request testimony to the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services for continued investment into state IT and cybersecurity.

Hope Osbornpdftestimonygovernment-performance legislative-appropriations-requestshope-osborn
September 30, 2022Supporting TDCJ Staff & Expanding Climate Control Equipment

Legislative Appropriations Request to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice for support of staff and expansion of climate control equipment.

Luis Soberonpdftestimonyinfrastructure legislative-appropriations-requestsluis-soberon
September 28, 2022Improve Quality and Accessibility of State Labor Market Data

Legislative Appropriations Request to the Texas Workforce Commission to improve quality and accessibility of state labor market data.

Renzo Sotopdftestimonyeducation-and-workforce legislative-appropriations-requestsrenzo-soto
September 28, 2022Establishing Industry-Recognized Apprenticeship Programs

Legislative Appropriations Request to the Texas Workforce Commission for establishment of industry-recognized apprenticeship programs.

Renzo Sotopdftestimonyeducation-and-workforce legislative-appropriations-requestsrenzo-soto
September 28, 2022Providing Access to Pre-Apprenticeship Career Pathways

Legislative Appropriations Request to the Texas Workforce Commission for increased access to pre-apprenticeship career pathways.

Renzo Sotopdftestimonyeducation-and-workforce legislative-appropriations-requestsrenzo-soto
September 27, 2022Improving the Affordability and Quality of State Employee Health Care

Legislative Appropriations Request to the Employees Retirement System of Texas to improve the affordability and quality of state employee health care.

Charles Millerpdftestimonyhealth-care legislative-appropriations-requestscharles-miller
September 27, 2022Improving the Judicial Data and Supporting Judicial Staff

Legislative Appropriations Requests to the Office of Court Administration to improve the judicial data and supporting judicial staff.

Luis Soberonpdftestimonyjustice-and-safety legislative-appropriations-requestsluis-soberon
September 26, 2022Supporting Agency Capacity for Effective Regulation

Legislative Appropriations Request to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality for increased support of agency capacity for effective regulation.

Jeremy Mazurpdftestimonyinfrastructure legislative-appropriations-requestsjeremy-mazur
September 23, 2022Approve Increased FTE Capacity in the Broadband Development Office

Legislative Appropriations Request to the Comptroller of Public Accounts for increased staffing of the broadband development office.

Mitrah Avinipdftestimonybroadband government-performance legislative-appropriations-requestsmitrah-avini
September 22, 2022Improving Regulatory Oversight Over a Changing Energy Industry

Legislative Appropriations Request to the Railroad Commission to improve regulatory oversight amidst industry changes.

Jeremy Mazurpdftestimonyinfrastructure legislative-appropriations-requestsjeremy-mazur
September 22, 2022Expanding Agency Capacity to Address State Water Infrastructure Needs

Legislative Appropriations Request to the Texas Water Development Board for expansion of agency capacity to address state water infrastructure needs.

Jeremy Mazurpdftestimonyinfrastructure legislative-appropriations-requests waterjeremy-mazur
September 21, 2022Support for Full Funding of Community College Reform

Legislative Appropriations Request to the Texas Advanced Computing Center for increased funding of community college reform.

Renzo Sotopdftestimonyeducation-and-workforce legislative-appropriations-requestsrenzo-soto
September 21, 2022Improving the Affordability and Quality of Teacher Health Care

Legislative Appropriations Request to the Teacher Retirement System of Texas for improvement to the affordability and quality of teacher health care.

Charles Millerpdftestimonyhealth-care legislative-appropriations-requestscharles-miller
September 21, 2022Higher Education Innovation and Collaboration

Legislative Appropriations Request to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board for funding towards higher education innovation and collaboration.

Renzo Sotopdftestimonyeducation-and-workforce legislative-appropriations-requestsrenzo-soto
September 21, 2022Modernizing State Educational and Workforce Data Infrastructures

Legislative Appropriations Request to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board for modernization of state educational and workforce data infrastructures.

Renzo Sotopdftestimonyeducation-and-workforce legislative-appropriations-requestsrenzo-soto
September 19, 2022Ensuring DFPS’ Data System Meets Federal Standards

Legislative Appropriations Request to the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services to ensure data system meets federal standards.

Hope Osbornpdftestimonychild-welfare justice-and-safety legislative-appropriations-requestshope-osborn
August 30, 2022Investment in Information Technology Improvement

Texas 2036 testimony to the Joint Oversight Committee on investing in information technology improvement.

Hope Osbornpdftestimonygovernment-performance ithope-osborn
August 10, 2022Supporting the Texas Commission on Community College Finance’s Recommendations

Texas 2036 testimony to the Texas Commission on Community College Finance on workforce-aligned recommendations.

Renzo Sotopdftestimonyeducation-and-workforcerenzo-soto
August 10, 2022SB 1102 (87-R): TRUE Program

Texas Reskilling and Upskilling Through Education testimony to the House Committee on Higher Education for Senate Bill 1102.

Renzo Sotopdftestimonyeducation-and-workforcerenzo-soto
July 26, 2022Curriculum Has a High ROI in Improving Student Outcomes

Texas 2036 testimony to the House Public Education Committee on improving student curriculum in Texas public schools.

Mary Lynn Prunedapdftestimonyeducation-and-workforcemary-lynn-pruneda
July 26, 2022Texas Parents Anxious About Their Child’s Education, with Hispanics and Spanish-Speakers the Most Worried

Texas 2036 testimony to the House Public Education Committee on how Texas parents are anxious about their child’s education.

Mary Lynn Prunedapdftestimonyeducation-and-workforcemary-lynn-pruneda
July 20, 2022Report & Policy Recommendations to Texas Commission on Community College Finance

A report by multiple chambers of commerce and education organizations on fundamentally improving Texas’ community college finance structure.

Texas 2036pdfreportsbudget education-and-workforcetexas-2036
July 11, 2022State Parks and Rural Economic Development

A report by the Center for Public Finance at Rice University’s Baker Institute and Texas 2036 on how state parks are rural engines for economic development.

Center for Public Finance, Texas 2036pdfreportsnatural-resources parkscenter-for-public-finance texas-2036
June 27, 2022Comments and recommendations on RRC’s proposed rules for carbon capture and underground storage

Texas 2036 comments and recommendations on Railroad Commission’s proposed rules for carbon capture and underground storage.

Jeremy Mazur, Rob Orrpdfletterenergy natural-resourcesjeremy-mazur rob-orr
June 21, 2022Cybersecurity and IT Modernization

A one-page report by the Center for Public Finance at Rice University’s Baker Institute and Texas 2036 on cybersecurity and IT modernization.

Center for Public Finance, Texas 2036pdfone-pagerbudget government-performance itcenter-for-public-finance texas-2036
June 21, 2022Cybersecurity and IT Modernization

A report by the Center for Public Finance at Rice University’s Baker Institute and Texas 2036 on cybersecurity and IT modernization.

Center for Public Finance, Texas 2036pdfreportsbudget government-performance itcenter-for-public-finance texas-2036
June 14, 2022Texas Drought: Expectations now through 2036

A one-page report by the Center for Public Finance at Rice University’s Baker Institute and Texas 2036 on the economic impacts of severe drought in Texas.

Center for Public Finance, Texas 2036pdfone-pagerinfrastructure watercenter-for-public-finance texas-2036
June 14, 2022Economic Impact of Severe Drought

A report by the Center for Public Finance at Rice University’s Baker Institute and Texas 2036 on the economic impacts of severe drought in Texas.

Center for Public Finance, Texas 2036pdfreportsinfrastructure watercenter-for-public-finance texas-2036
June 14, 2022Economic Impacts of Severe Droughts

A one-page report by the Center for Public Finance at Rice University’s Baker Institute and Texas 2036 on the economic impacts of severe drought in Texas.

Center for Public Finance, Texas 2036pdfone-pagerinfrastructure watercenter-for-public-finance texas-2036
June 11, 2022State Parks Are Rural Economic Engines

A one-page report by the Center for Public Finance at Rice University’s Baker Institute and Texas 2036 on how state parks are rural engines for economic development.

Center for Public Finance, Texas 2036pdfone-pagernatural-resources parkscenter-for-public-finance texas-2036
May 25, 2022Evaluate the allocation of TERP funds for effective air pollution reduction programs

Texas 2036 testimony to the House Committee on Environmental Regulation in assessing the allocated funds for effective air pollution reduction programs.

Jeremy Mazur, Rob Orrpdftestimonyenergy natural-resourcesjeremy-mazur rob-orr
May 24, 2022Not Yet Clear if Texas Teachers are Leaving the Profession at Higher Rates. Very Clear that Teachers Frustrated by Lack of Students Being on Grade Level

Texas 2036 testimony to the Senate Committee on Education regarding teachers frustration with students not being prepared for grade level work.

Mary Lynn Prunedapdftestimonyeducation-and-workforcemary-lynn-pruneda
May 24, 2022Data Suggests Texas’ Accountability System is Strong. The State Must Continue to Care About How Every Student in Texas is Performing Academically

Texas 2036 testimony to the House Public Education Committee on how students in the Texas school district are performing academically.

Mary Lynn Prunedapdftestimonyeducation-and-workforcemary-lynn-pruneda
May 24, 2022House Bill 3: Years Later and Still Worth Bragging About

Texas 2036 testimony to the Senate Committee on Education and the House Public Education Committee in support for House Bill 3.

Mary Lynn Prunedapdftestimonyeducation-and-workforcemary-lynn-pruneda
May 19, 2022Tri-Agency Workforce Initiative

Texas 2036 testimony to the House International Relations & Economic Development Committee on workforce initiative.

Renzo Sotopdftestimonyeducation-and-workforcerenzo-soto
May 18, 2022Remote Work Provides an Opportunity to Relieve a Rising Cost of Living

Texas 2036 testimony to the Senate Committee on Business and Commerce on how remote work provides an opportunity to relieve a rising cost of living.

Hope Osborn, Luis Acuñapdftestimonygovernment-performancehope-osborn luis-acuna
May 3, 2022Expanding Broadband Access

A report by the Center for Public Finance at Rice University’s Baker Institute and Texas 2036 on expanding broadband access.

Center for Public Finance, Texas 2036pdfreportsbroadband infrastructurecenter-for-public-finance texas-2036
May 3, 2022Evaluating Prospects for Expanding Broadband Access One-Pager

A one-page report by the Center for Public Finance at Rice University’s Baker Institute and Texas 2036 on expanding broadband access.

Center for Public Finance, Texas 2036pdfone-pagerbroadband infrastructurecenter-for-public-finance texas-2036
April 20, 202221st Century Energy Capital of the World

A report by the Center for Public Finance at Rice University’s Baker Institute and Texas 2036 on how to continue energy leadership in the 21st century.

Center for Public Finance, Texas 2036pdfreportsenergy infrastructurecenter-for-public-finance texas-2036
April 20, 202221st Century Energy Capital of the World One-Pager

A one-page report by the Center for Public Finance at Rice University’s Baker Institute and Texas 2036 on how to continue energy leadership in the 21st century.

Center for Public Finance, Texas 2036pdfone-pagerenergy infrastructurecenter-for-public-finance texas-2036
April 19, 2022Texas Water Development Board Sunset Report

Letter of recommendation to the Texas Sunset Advisory Commission in support of new management action relating to staff, two sets of data as part of a required assessment and addressing water needs during a drought worse than the Drought of Record for planning purposes.

Jeremy Mazurpdfletterbudget natural-resourcesjeremy-mazur
February 16, 20224th Texas Voter Poll: Extreme Weather & Energy Findings

A report highlighting Texas 2036’s fourth Texas Voter Poll, which reflected significant concerns about the state’s energy infrastructure and Texas’ ability to adapt to changing future conditions.

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February 10, 20224th Texas Voter Poll – January 2022

A report highlighting Texas 2036’s fourth Texas Voter Poll, which shows that many of Texas voters’ concerns cross partisan, racial and economic lines.

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January 26, 2022TCEQ Carbon Capture and Underground Storage Rulemaking

Letter of recommendation to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality in support of the proposed amendments for expanding the consolidation of
carbon capture and underground storage.

Jeremy Mazur, Rob Orrpdfletterenergy natural-resourcesjeremy-mazur rob-orr
December 13, 20212021 Special Sessions Report

A report by Texas 2036 on federal funding issues during three consecutive special sessions, that helped guide state and local lawmakers to maximize the benefits of these one-time funds, and focused on the importance of data-driven policies to help improve the lives of all Texans.

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December 13, 20212021 Legislative Report

A report by Texas 2036 that outlines their legislative accomplishments, which focus on six key policy areas during the 87th Texas Legislative Sessions.

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December 8, 2021Energy Industry Program for Veteran Professional Development

Letter of recommendation to the Texas Veterans Commission regarding specificity and clarification of the proposed rule’s language for establishing the Energy Industry Program for Veteran Professional Development.

Jeremy Mazur, Renzo Soto, Rob Orrpdflettereducation-and-workforce natural-resourcesjeremy-mazur renzo-soto rob-orr
October 7, 2021Assessment of Historic and Future Trends of Extreme Weather in Texas, 1900-2036

A report by the Office of the Texas State Climatologist on the assessment of historic and future trends of extreme weather in Texas.

Office of the Texas State Climatologist, Texas 2036pdfreportsinfrastructureoffice-of-the-texas-state-climatologist texas-2036
September 14, 20213rd Texas Voter Poll Memo – September 2021

A third Texas voter poll shows that voters want state leaders to take advantage by appropriating federal COVID relief funds and addressing the state’s future.

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September 14, 20213rd Texas Voter Poll – September 2021

A look at the results from Texas 2036’s third Texas Voter Poll, conducted by Baselice & Associates Inc.

Texas 2036pdfreportstexas-voter-polltexas-2036
March 3, 2021Future-Proofing Texas School Funding

A policy brief by Texas 2036 and Center for Houston’s Future on the impact of scenarios for future oil prices on our state’s GDP, employment and public education funding.

Center for Houston's Future, Texas 2036pdfpolicy-briefbudget energy natural-resourcescenter-for-houstons-future texas-2036
March 3, 2021Changing World Oil Markets and the Texas Economy

A report by Texas 2036 and Center for Houston’s Future on the impact of scenarios for future oil prices on our state’s GDP, employment and public education funding.

Center for Houston's Future, Texas 2036pdfreportsbudget energy natural-resourcescenter-for-houstons-future texas-2036
January 7, 2021Letter to Texas Water Development Board Regarding Proposed Amendments to Texas Administrative Codes

Letter to Texas Water Development Board Regarding Proposed Amendments to Texas Administrative Codes.

Jeremy Mazurpdfletterinfrastructure waterjeremy-mazur
January 1, 20212nd Texas Voter Poll – January 2021

An overview of the results from Texas 2036’s second Texas Voter Poll, conducted by Baselice & Associates Inc.

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January 1, 20212nd Texas Voter Poll Report – January 2021

A report of Texas 2036’s second Texas Voter Poll, which shows that Texas voters are more concerned about the future and say that the legislature needs to take action this year to address the challenges Texas now faces.

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