Each biennium, Texas 2036 develops a board of directors-approved legislative agenda. This document serves as a guide to our work and the non-partisan ideas and modern solutions that we will support during the legislative session.

While our legislative agenda is informed by factors relevant to a specific legislative session, our recommendations are crafted to address long-term issues with maximal impact. Grounded in solutions-oriented research and actionable, transparent data, our legislative agenda is always driven by the need for sustainability and resiliency, stewarding our resources wisely and well. 

2023 Legislative Session

Throughout the 2021-2023 interim and the subsequent 2023 session, Texas 2036 served as a trusted, data-driven resource on issues that matter most for the future of the state.

Within our four priority areas — education and workforce, health care, infrastructure, and government performance — we worked with state lawmakers to craft policy decisions using transparent, accessible data; long-term planning; and input from stakeholders across the state.

Impact: Legislators passed 77 Texas 2036-supported bills and constitutional amendments that directly impact education and workforce, health care, infrastructure, government performance, and justice and safety. Together, these bills optimize the state’s historic budget surplus and create long-term investments and high-impact reforms.

2021 Legislative Session

From education, health and the state budget to digital connectivity, government performance and workforce issues, the 87th Texas Legislature took important steps forward in six areas that directly affect Texans’ lives.

And Texas 2036 played a key role in driving that success during our first legislative session by offering lawmakers a stable, policy-focused alternative to the high-profile political issues that often drew headlines.

The 87th Texas Legislative Session came at a time of tremendous challenge with both the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the Winter Storm Uri.

Impact: Legislators passed 45 Texas 2036-supported bills that directly impact education and workforce, health care, infrastructure, and government performance.
