Explore the data behind each goal by tracking progress across 36 primary indicators, comparisons to other peer states, and improvement across over 100 leading indicators.

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2022 Strategic Framework
The second edition of Shaping Our Future: A Strategic Framework for Texas, is rooted in our commitment to tackling the most pressing issues our state faces in the best way we know how: the “Texas way.” We breakdown our organization’s 36 aspirational goals for Texas to reach by the year 2036, along with the primary metrics by which progress towards those goals will be measured.
2020 Strategic Framework
The first edition of the Strategic Framework, Shaping Our Future: A Strategic Framework for Texas, focused on seven policy pillars representing the most significant drivers of Texans’ prosperity and quality of life: prosperity and well-being, education and workforce, health, infrastructure, natural resources, justice and safety, and government performance.
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