It’s an exciting time for the more than 650,000 students we estimate are donning caps and gowns to graduate from Texas public high schools, colleges and universities this month across our state.

Whether starting careers, joining the military, or continuing their education in one of Texas’ 148 postsecondary institutions, we know these Texas graduates look forward to making their own way in the world.

As we celebrate this year’s graduates and the resilience they have shown through the pandemic disruptions, we take a look at what the data says about what the future has in store for these newly minted graduates as they leave the schoolhouse door.

    What Texas 2036 is doing to ensure more students can earn family-sustaining wages.

    “Today’s graduates across our state are taking their first steps as adults towards being the extraordinary leaders and contributors of tomorrow. Texas 2036 will be right there alongside them as we work together to make Texas the best state to live and work and seize new opportunities for this generation — and generations to come.”
    David Leebron, Former president of Rice University and incoming president and CEO of Texas 2036