Google, Texas 2036 Discuss Higher Education and Workforce

On Friday, July 8, Texas 2036 policy advisor Renzo Soto joined Google for a panel it hosted for the Australian-American Leadership Dialogue. The Tech Ecosystem in Texas: Credentials, Higher Ed, and Workforce event focused on how Texas is leading the conversation on tech innovation and the role education plays in it. 

One example is the state’s new Building a Talent Strong Texas higher education strategic plan and its work on Credentials of Value, which are postsecondary credentials that have a proven and positive return-on-investment for students. Similarly to Texas, Australia is working on education and training solutions for a rapidly evolving labor market resulting from technological innovations.

Employers are some of the most valuable partners in reforming the education landscape and prioritizing the digital skills necessary in the modern economy.”Renzo Soto, Texas 2036 Policy Advisor

Other panelists included representatives from Google, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board and Code2College.

The Australian American Leadership Dialogue is a private diplomatic initiative, which brings together Australian and American leaders from government, enterprise, media, education and the community to help review and refine the parameters of the Australian-American bilateral relationship.

For more about initiatives to strengthen the state’s workforce, check out Soto’s breakdown of “8 Ways to Bolster Texas’ Tri-Agency Workforce Initiative Goals and Strategies.”
