Education priorities: 2023 TX Lege Agenda

Texas 2036 is hard at work drilling down into the policy issues that matter most to Texans. Here’s a look at our education priorities for the upcoming 88th Legislative Session.

Texas 2036 policy focus:

Our Education policy efforts: Improving student outcomes in our pre-K–12 system.

What we’re focused on:

  • Closing pre-K–12 achievement gaps with data-driven policies
  • Removing barriers to pre-K–12 student outcomes

The goal: To ensure Texans have the education and skills necessary to pursue a productive career and earn a family-sustaining wage. 

Education outcomes:

Improve teacher quality of life: Access to a stronger curriculum can improve both student learning and teacher quality of life by reducing after-hours lesson planning. 

The availability of funding this session provides an investment opportunity. The state could invest in raising teacher wages and transitioning to higher quality materials. This will cut down on time spent lesson planning and give teachers more flexibility.

In a TNTP national study of 1,000 lessons observed, students met the demands of their assignments 71% of the time but demonstrated mastery of grade-level standards on those assignments only 17% of the time.

Accountability and assessment: For students to have equitable access to a high-quality education, the state needs to continue to measure student achievement.

52% of students are on grade level in reading on the STAAR exam while 30% of 4th graders are proficient on the Nation’s Report Card.

Continuation of evidence-based practices required by legislation passed last session coupled with HB 3 (2019) reforms will ensure students who are struggling academically receive the necessary learning support and help schools significantly improve their approach to instruction in the primary grades.

Texas Voter Poll take: According to our 5th Texas Voter Poll, 82% of Texas voters supported increasing access to high-quality tutoring in reading and math for Texas public school students.

Learn more about our 2023 Legislative Agenda.

More on education:

Learn more about our 2023 Legislative Agenda.
