4 new education and workforce data tools at your fingertips

This is a preview of the Texas 2036 newsletter that dives into our new data tools . To receive this weekly highlight of our work, sign up here.

4 New Data Tools at Your Fingertips

Interested in education and workforce? Here are the Texas 2036 resources to know about. 

Advanced Courses: Improving Student Access 🧐

What to Know: Thousands of Texas students have little or no access to advanced courses in middle school and high school, especially in rural communities.

  • Drawing on Texas Education Agency data, our dashboard shows disparities in advanced course offerings, such as Advanced Placement/International Baccalaureate for 11th and 12th graders and Algebra I for 7th and 8th graders, across school districts.

By the Numbers: 

  • Roughly 40,000 students in grades 11 and 12 attend districts that do not offer any advanced A.P./I.B. courses.
  • 41% of Texas school districts do not offer any advanced A.P./I.B. courses.
  • About 80,000 students in grades 11 and 12 attend districts that offer none or fewer than four advanced A.P./I.B. courses.

What We’re Watching: Today, the Texas Commission on Virtual Education will meet to finalize its recommendations to the Texas legislature.

  • Texas 2036 testified this summer about how innovative approaches, such as self-paced, competency-based and blended learning, can be part of a solution to closing course access gaps for rural students and increasing access to work-based learning opportunities.

📌 Explore the new Texas Advanced Coursetaking Dashboard to learn more about these statewide trends.

Job Credentials: Evolving with the Workforce 🧑‍🏭

Credentials 101: This term refers to an evolving array of degrees, workforce-aligned certifications, licenses, badges and apprenticeships.

  • Texas is estimated to have more than 24,000 different credentials available in the state.

What’s Ahead: New employer-led credentials programs continue to grow and have the potential to play a vital role in training the workforce of the future.

  • State education and workforce agencies are building a credential library that includes data about the credentials being offered by public state institutions or education and training programs in Texas.

Our Work: Texas 2036’s new dashboard complements state efforts by compiling information about in-demand credentials offered by private issuers and is the first of its kind in Texas for private credentials.

  • Through a partnership with Credential Engine, we have done outreach to employers, including Google, Dell, Microsoft and Amazon Web Services, about the value in sharing data about their credentials publicly.

📌 Check out the new Privately-Issued Credentials Initiative and find out how private entities can add credentials.

Coming Soon: New Interactive Data Resources 🚀

Two education-and-workforce data tools are coming your way in early 2023.

Postsecondary Outcomes Exploration Tool: POET will provide a look at the education-to-workforce pathways of Texas students by comparing trends in coursework and post-graduation outcomes across districts and schools.

  • Users will be able to see how students’ course selection has impacted rates of entering post-secondary education and earning a living wage.

Community College Finance Simulator: To support the Texas Commission on Community College Finance, we rolled out a beta version of the simulator that shows how state funding is allocated to Texas’ 50 community college systems and the financial impacts of potential changes to current policies.

  • The enhanced version will model the Commission’s recommendations to the State Legislature, allowing users to see how community colleges might benefit from proposed reforms.

In Case You Missed It ⬇️

Strategic Framework: Our recently launched dashboard includes dynamic data sets to measure the progress toward our six goals intended to strengthen education and workforce systems.

  • A strong education system today ensures a strong workforce and a prosperous economy tomorrow.

From health coverage access to virtual learning experiences, you told us where you stand on the issues impacting our state.

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