Nancy and Mark Abernathy
These individuals, organizations and businesses have woven an indelible thread into the fabric of Texas’s future.
By supporting Texas 2036, they have chosen to leave a lasting legacy, ensuring a brighter, stronger Texas for generations to come.
Luis Acuna and Suzzanne Gamboa
Jessi Acuna
Susie and John L. Adams
Elaine and Neils Agather
Sherry Alexander
Aline Catherine Bass Fund of Communities Foundation of Texas
William S. Allison
Arturo Almeida
James M. Alsup
Altabef Family Fund
Amegy Bank
Amon G. Carter Foundation
Amy Shelton McNutt Charitable Trust
Jordan M. Anderson
Barry and Lana Andrews
Marilyn and Bolivar Andrews
Ann and John Newman Family Fund
Arnold Ventures
ASB Family Charitable Fund
Adria Ashby
Associa – John Carona, CEO
Patricia Avery
Mitra Avini
Norm and Robin Bagwell
Peter Balyta, Ph.D.
Bank of America
Ann Barnes
James H. Barrow
Peter Bartholow
Richard D. Bass Foundation Trust
Jim Bass – Eighth Summit Fund and Trinbrook Fund of Communities Foundation of Texas
Baylor Scott & White Health
Marsha and Michael Baylor
Andy Beal
The Beck Group
David J. Beck
Mike Beldon
Bell Textron
Marvin J. Bendele
Tracee Bentley
Berry R. Cox Family Foundation
Marilyn and Mike Berry
Randy Best
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Henry and Lucy Billingsley
Mark Bivins
Monique Black
Leslie and Jack S. Blanton, Jr.
Blue Cross Blue Shield
BNSF Railway Foundation
Jeanne Whitman Bobbitt
Shelby Bobosky
The Boeing Company
Alan and Ann Bogdanow
James Brady
The Honorable Dan Branch
Brenham National Bank – Skipper Dippel
Kerri Briggs
Michelle K. Brock
Garnett T. Brooks
The Prentice Farrar Brown & Alline Ford Brown Foundation
Charles Bryan
Shari Bryan
Linda C. Buford Fund of Communities Foundation of Texas
Randy Burchell
Catherine M. Butschek
Charles Butt
Stephen W. Butt
Byrne Family Foundation
T. Randall Cain
Shannon Callewart
Bob Campbell
David Campbell
Robert Cargill
John L. Carter
Deborah Cartwright
Dorsey Cartwright
Dan Casey
Dorothy Castle
Abel Castro
John Cater
Wylie Cavin
Paul D. Chapa, Jr.
Kimberly and Jeffrey W. Chapman
Charter Communications
Coby Chase
Warren Chase
Mary Chenoweth
Children’s Health
Amy and John Chronis
Stephanie Clarkson
Clements Foundation
The Rita Crocker Clements Foundation
Karen Clevenger
William L. Clifton
Donna ColeÂ
Lori and John Collins
Nancy and Jack Collins
Comerica Bank
Constantin Foundation
Justin Coppedge
Roberto Coronado
Allen T. Cowden
Angela Crates
Diane and Tom Cravens
Carol and Don Crisp
Doug Cross
William R. Crow, Jr.
Myra Crownover
Mark Cuban
Anthony Cucolo
William A. Custard
Darrell and Joann Lafitte Family Fund at Schwab Charitable
Dave and Susan Scullin Fund of Communities Foundation of Texas
Anne Davies
The Davies Family
Becky and Marty Davis
Byron Davis
Merrill Davis
Mark and Margit Dennon
Steve and Dayna Diven
Sandy Dochen
Charles T. Doyle
Brad Duggan
Beth Duke
Rufus and Marianna Duncan
The Educate Texas/Texas Education Grantmakers Advocacy Fund of Communities Foundation of Texas
Julia Edwards
Jeffrey Ehimuh
David Engel
Michelle and John Engler
Episcopal Health Foundation
Ed Escudero
Evans Family Fund
Colby Evans
Dick Evans, Jr.
Executive Women of Dallas
Exxon Mobil Corporation
R. W. Fair Foundation
Samina Farid
Gary S. Farmer
Carl and Kelly Fellbaum
George A. Finley III
Sherrilynn and Ken Fisher
Mary Jo Flaherty Keller
Regent Properties, Eric Fleiss
Shannon Fletcher
Will Forteith
Four-S Oil Company
Steve Fox
Dawn Franks
Friedkin Group
Friends of the Pecos River
Frost Bank Charitable Foundation
Keshab Gangopadhyay
Julieta Villarreal Garcia
M. Ethan Garner
Carlos I. Garza
Carlos I. Garza
Diane and Tom Gates
Beverly Gavenda
Dan Geddes
George and Pamela Willeford Charitable Fund
Christopher George
Laura Gibbs
Gary Gibson
Don Glendenning
Global Policy Group, Inc.
Ronald J. Goldman
Google Community Fund
Debra and Rex Gore
Lisa & Sandy Gottesman
James D. Goudge
Robert H. Graham
The Gratitude Fund – Samara Kline
Dian Graves Owen Foundation
Greater Texas Foundation
Brian Greig
Mike Gruber
Jack Guenther, Jr.
Jack Guenther, Sr.
The Honorable Roberto Guerra
James T. Hackett
Andrew Hall
Kelly Hall
The Hamon Charitable Foundation
Harold Simmons Foundation
Michelle Harper
Alecia Harris
James R. Harris
Stephanie and Jeff Haynes
Hegi Family
Helen E. and Frank A. Risch Community Philanthropic Fund at Communities Foundation of Texas
Carol Heller
Mary Ann and Andrew Heller
Lori Henning
Dealey D. Herndon
Tracy Heslink
Hibbs Family Foundation
Lyda Hill Philanthropies
Hillwood, A Perot Company
Erhard Himmelsbach
Hirsch Family Foundation
John Hjalmquist
Yvonne Ho
Hobby Family Foundation
Hoblitzelle Foundation
Ann & Lee Hobson
Marguerite Steed Hoffman
Hoglund Foundation
Mark Holmes
Maynard Holt
Valerie Hooper
Roger Horchow Family
Houston Endowment
Ann and John Howard
Dale and Lee Howard
John Hryhorchuk
Celeste Hubert
Eileen Hudnall
Ward L. Huey, Jr.
Liz and Michael Hughes
Cissy Humphrey
Hunter Hunt
Ray L. Hunt
The Woody and Gayle Hunt Family Foundation
John D. Hutchinson
IBC Bank
Bobby R. Inman
J.F. Maddox Foundation
Lee Jackson
Mary M. Jalonick
Ken and Tracy Janda
Wallace Jefferson
Beverly and Ken Jinkerson
Joe and Alfreda Borden Norman Fund of Communities Foundation Texas
John and Dorothy Castle Advised Fund at The Dallas Foundation
Wade Johnson
A.C. Jones, IV
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Abigail G. Kampmann
Kelley A. Murrell Fund of Communities Foundation of Texas
Terry Kelley
Jack Kendall
Guy Kerr
Michelle Kinder
Ronald Kirk
Kevin Kirksey
Mel Klein
Jack D. Knox
Guy Koenig
Kozmetsky Family Foundation
Bill Kramer
Krier Fund of the San Antonio Area Foundation
Harvey Kronberg
Kronkosky Charitable Foundation
Holly Kuzmich
Val LaMantia
Mary Potishman Lard Trust
Kathryn and Russell Laughlin
William C. Lawrence
Howard Lawson
LDWW Group
Richard L. Leshin
John Levy
Bill Lewis
Longview Chamber PAC
Joe and Tayler Lonsdale
Samuel B. Lovelady
Thomas W. Luce III
Walter Lundquist
Bobby Lyle
Anne MacDonald
Harold MacDowell
Bill Madden
Magruder Executive Search
The Honorable Kenny E. Marchant
Eugene Marck
Dee and Adair Margo
Cynthia Marshall
Lockheed Martin
Patsy & Jack Martin
Barbara and Richard Massman
Charles and Karen Matthews
Jack Matthews
Anne and Larry Maxwell
Jeremy Mazur
Barry McBee
Trent McBride
Libby and Murray McCabe
The Honorable Brian McCall
Scott McClelland
Madeline McClure
McCombs Foundation
Eugene McDermott Foundation
Mignon McGarry
McKesson Corporation
McKinsey and Co.
Amy and Drew McKnight
Trent McKnight
Drayton McLane, III
Drayton McLane, Jr.
John M. McLaughlin
Reba McNair
Josie McSpadden
McSwane Family Charitable Fund at East Texas Communities Foundation
Douglas R. McSwane
The Meadows Foundation
William and Patricia Meadows
Mike Meece
Christopher Mendezona
Merrill Chester Gregg and Joshua Alan Gregg Fund at Fidelity Charitable
Methodist Healthcare Ministries
Sharon and Tom Meurer
Meyerson Family Foundations
Morton H Meyerson Family Foundation
Michael & Susan Dell Foundation
Frank Mihalopoulos
Charles Miller
David Miller
David B. Miller Family Foundation
Kyle Miller
Yanela Montoya
Ardon & Iris Moore Foundation
Nancy Moorman
Barbara and Jim Moroney
Jennifer & Jon Mosle III
Lesli Mosser
Jeffrey A. Mucci
Amy Mueller
Muriel F. Siebert Foundation
Colleen Murray
Mike A. Myers
Rosa Navejar
Sara Neel
Ann and Chico Newman
Bob Niland
Jo Betsy Norton
Erle Nye
Seth Oldmixon
Ken Oleson
Hope Osborn
Robert W. Paddock
Robert E. Parker
Carrin Patman
Dan Patterson
David Patterson
David Paulson
Bill Payne
Richard Peacock
Bob and Ellen Peck
Bob and Katherine Penn
Carmen Perez
Perkins – Prothro Foundation
James I. Perkins
Nancy Perot and Rod Jones
The Perot Foundation
Elizabeth and Kevin Phillips
The Honorable Jeanne L. Phillips
Thomas R. Phillips
Pioneer Natural Resources
Allison Piper
William Poston
Powell Foundation
James L. Powell
Randy Present
Michael Price
Caren Prothro
Barbara and David Radunsky
Simran Rahman
Anne Raymond
David C. Redford
Rees-Jones Foundation
Katy Rhodes
Ray N. Rhodes
Riggs Family Foundation
Beth Rivers
Robert Burns and Carolyn Burns – The Gift Fund for the Future
Harry and Nancy Beth Roberts
Corbin J. Robertson, Jr.
Beth Robertson
Debra and Roland K. Robinson
Robert Rochelle
AJ Rodriguez
Norma Rodriguez
Peter Rodriguez
Shy and Eddie Rodriguez
Regina Rogers
Mark & Rachel Rohr Foundation
Elliott Roosevelt, Jr.
Deedie Rose
Wynn and Manda Rosser
Don and Kelley Rowley
Rowling Foundation
RT Kempner Family Fund
Cynthia Rubsamen
Andria Rucker
Kelly Rushing
Ryan, LLC
Gregory Saikin
Sanchez Family Foundation
Ian Sandland
Kodi Sawin
Pete Schenkel
C.L. (Mike) Schmidt
Scovell Family Foundation
Sheryl Sculley
George Seay
Serafy Foundation
Carl Sewell
Susie and Jay Shands
The Honorable Florence Shapiro
Tanny Shelburne
Mahesh Shetty
Shari and Marc Shivers
Jamie Shroyer
Sid W. Richardson Foundation
Bill Sims
Frank and Shirley Sloan
Nicole and Justin Small
Bliss Smith
Bonnie Smith
Chip Smith
E. Ashley Smith
James B. Smith
Kate Smith
Pat Snider and Annie Snider Reece
Beverly and John Snyder
Maryann and David Snyder
David Soileau
Southwest Airlines
Southwestern Medical Foundation
James Speights
Margaret Spellings
St. David’s Foundation
Stuart Stedman
Steinhart Family Advised Fund at The Dallas Foundation
John Stephens
Stephenson Foundation
Steve and Susan Brauer Giving Fund
Still Water Foundation
Gayle Stoffel
Carol Sullivan
Jo and Kevin Sullivan
Catherine & Sam L. Susser
T.L.L. Temple Foundation
Neel Tanna
Martha Tapley
Tish Tenoria
Texans for Joe Straus
Texas Association of Realtors
Texas Bankers Association
Texas Instruments Foundation
Texas Lone Star Title
Texas Mutual Insurance Company
Texas Silver-Haired Legislature
Texas Townhomes LLC
Texas Women’s Foundation
The Tobin Endowment
Jere W. Thompson, Jr.
Jere W. Thompson, Sr.
Lee and David Thompson
Tiedeman Advisors LLC
Jane Titus
Todd A. Williams Family Foundation
Trammell and Margaret Crow Foundation
Trellis Foundation
Guillermo Trevino
Turner Ramirez Architects
Elissa Turnham
Utkov Family donor-advised fund at Fidelity Charitable
Annette and Jack Vaughn
Hans and Malissa Voss
W.W. Caruth, Jr. Foundation
Robert Walker
Jeffrey J. Walter
Chris Walters
Walton Family Foundation
Richard Ware
William J. Ware
Coleman Washington
Marc Watts
Margaret Weinkauf
Wells Fargo
The Honorable Jeff Wentworth
The Graham and Elizabeth Weston Gift Fund
Kate Wetzel
Laura Wheat
Amy Whited
Thomas Wikman
James R. Wilck
Ellen and Don Williams
Joan and Reed Williams
Welcome Wilson, Jr.
Tommy C. Wimberly
James M. Windham
Pete Winstead
Ira J. Yates
Sharon Young
Zeynep Young
Zierk Family Foundation
Zorich Family Foundation
Barb and Bob Zorich