How did your region respond in the Texas Voter Poll?

Earlier this month, Texas 2036 released results of our latest statewide Texas Voter Poll. There is broad agreement on a range of issues and a widespread concern about the future of Texas. The dashboard below depicts a regional breakdown of poll responses. Select any question or topic from the drop-down menu and results for each of these issues will be visualized by geographic area.

Each area’s responses are listed on the left of the dashboard, while the graph on the top right depicts the distribution of responses across all regions. For reference, the map in the bottom right of the tool displays the delineation of each of the six reported Texas regions.

Key highlights:

  • More than 90% of Texas voters, in each region, responded they are “somewhat”, “very”, or “extremely” concerned regarding the future of Texas.
  • Voters in East Texas and the San Antonio – South Texas – El Paso region reported the highest level of trust in law enforcement with 79% and 78% of respondents answering “yes” to “do you trust in local police and law enforcement to handle crime and public safety issues?”, respectively.  On the other hand, 59% of the Houston region reported trust in local police and law enforcement. Overall, 68% of Texas voters trust local police and law enforcement to handle crime and public safety issues.
  •  1 in every 4 Texas voters has considered moving out of Texas. 30% of respondents in the Austin – Waco – Bryan and Dallas – Fort Worth regions have considered moving out of Texas. In contrast, 10% of East Texas voters reported having considered moving out of Texas.

