School Finance, Accountability: Texas 2036 Testimony
On July 26, 2022, Texas 2036 Senior Policy Advisor Mary Lynn Pruneda testified before the House Public Education Committee regarding House Bill 3, Texas’ school finance bill, and Senate Bill 1365, the state’s school accountability system.
Watch her testimony and learn more about the HB 3 and SB 1365:
8 Reasons Why School Finance HB 3 Is Still Worth Bragging About
House Bill 3 was a complicated piece of legislation. There are billions of dollars flowing through dozens, if not hundreds, of calculations. What is often lost in the intricate discussions of school finance is reflecting on the good work the Legislature accomplished in 2019. HB 3 resulted in a more fair, more equitable, and more productive system. With faithful implementation, it should over time lead to improved student outcomes.
Find out eight reasons why School Finance HB 3 is still worth bragging about:
8 Reasons Why School Finance House Bill 3 Is Still Worth Bragging About
Data Suggests Texas’ School District Accountability System is Strong
The state must continue to care about how every student in Texas is performing academically.
At Texas 2036, we believe strongly in a valid, reliable, and transparent assessment and accountability system. The students in our system are our state’s future. We owe a special duty to them to provide the best, highest-quality public education that we can. This need is particularly urgent given the Covid-19 pandemic.
At this point, it is undisputed that students have experienced profound learning loss due to the pandemic’s disruption of our education system. However, what is in dispute is how we measure this learning loss in our standardized assessment system and how we hold districts accountable for their student’s academic achievement in a post-Covid world.
Learn about our two takeaways for the Legislature as it monitors the impact of SB 1365:
Data Suggests Texas’ School District Accountability System is Strong