Meet Generation 2036: Texas’ Bicentennial Graduates

This is a preview of our Texas 2036 newsletter that looks at Texas’ bicentennial graduates, Generation 2036. To receive this weekly look at our work, sign up here.

Meet Generation 2036: Texas’ Bicentennial Graduates

This month, the high school graduating class of 2036 enters kindergarten.

What will life be like for our littlest Texans when they reach adulthood? We’re using data to ensure they have the brightest future possible.

By the numbers:

What we know about the children in the class of 2036:

What should we call these kids?

Expect lots of girls named Emma, Isabella, Olivia, Mia and Sophia, and many boys called Liam, Noah, Sebastian, Mateo and Elijah. These were the most popular baby names in Texas in 2018.

What to know as they start school:

For starters: The current data suggest that more support is needed to get kids on grade level.

Looking ahead: The best and most strategic investment we can make in the future of our children is a strong education system that emphasizes improving student outcomes and preparing them for the modern economy.

  • Policymakers have just 13 years and five more regular legislative sessions before Generation 2036 reaches adulthood.
  • Lawmakers will also likely have a special session this fall with the opportunity to invest in data-driven education strategies.

Learn more about these education trends.

How do we prepare for their future?

For our young Texans to have the same or better opportunities enjoyed by previous generations, the investments in their future must extend beyond education.

Texas 2036 is working with Texans to ensure the Lone Star State is the best place to live and work for this generation and more.

We want to hear from you 🫵

What will life be like for Generation 2036 when they reach adulthood?

Let us know in our short survey.




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