Broadband: 2023 TX Lege Agenda

Texas 2036 is hard at work drilling down into the policy issues that matter most to Texans. Here’s a look at our infrastructure priorities on broadband for the upcoming 88th Legislative Session.

Texas 2036 policy focus:

Our Infrastructure policy efforts: Texas’ growth correlates with accelerating infrastructure needs. 

Just as our infrastructure needs to grow, so, too, does the need to replace aging, depreciating infrastructure that presents greater liabilities with each passing year. 

What we’ll focus on:

  • Digital Connectivity

The goal: Optimize the state’s Broadband Program to more efficiently close the digital divide.


High-speed internet investments: Despite historic state and federal efforts to increase access to broadband in underserved rural and urban markets, Texas should ensure there is stable funding for state’s broadband efforts.

  • Texas’ 2022 Broadband Plan states almost 2.8 million Texas households and 7 million people lack broadband access.

Texas Voter Poll take: 81% of Texans supported using $2 billion of federal funds to improve the state’s broadband and emergency communications infrastructure in 2021.

More coverage:

Learn more about our 2023 Legislative Agenda.

