Our dashboard provides a comprehensive, data-driven view of potential outcomes of energy policy options, empowering policymakers, business leaders and citizens to make informed decisions about the state’s energy future.


Explore how different market pathways might shape the energy production capacity and the economic and environmental outlooks for Texas and its 12 diverse regions.

The Four Scenarios

The Future of Texas Energy dashboard examines four key scenarios, each driven by a unique combination of energy technologies that are making headlines today.

Status Quo: A “business as usual” energy future without major advances in renewable, hydrogen or fossil fuel energy technology.

Advanced Fossil: An energy future focused on fossil fuel production with carbon capture utilization and underground storage.

Energy Transition: An energy future focused on renewable energy, decarbonization and electrification.

Energy Expansion: An energy future reflective of an “all-of-the-above” energy policy, where the costs and technologies associated with fossil fuel and renewable production improve over time.

First 10 Key Findings
