States for the Future: How we’re making a national impact

This is a preview of our Texas 2036 newsletter on States for the Future, which aims to harness data-powered policy solutions powered by the states. To receive this weekly look at our work, sign up here.

States for the Future: Data-driven Impact Nationwide

states for the future newsletter lead imageIn the popular perception, the President, executive branch of the federal government and Congress play the primary role in setting the direction and policies of the nation that affect the lives of Americans.

At Texas 2036, though, we know that in reality many of the biggest and most impactful policy choices, whether it’s decisions on how to best educate our children, build the workforce of the future or provide the infrastructure to support our future success, are driven by the states.

Through States for the Future, Texas 2036 and similar organizations in other states are coming together to share knowledge, solutions and ideas to strengthen each organization’s efficacy and impact.

What is States for the Future?

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States for the Future is a network of nonpartisan, nonprofit policy organizations working to advance state-level policies using data and research — not ideology.

The network includes participants across 16 states, showing a commitment to data-driven policymaking across varied geographies and state contexts.

States for the Future operates with a shared understanding that good policy stems from quality data and research, rather than ideology.

Members believe actionable data is key to driving real-world solutions and that long-term strategic planning helps states navigate complex challenges effectively. And while in many ways states compete with each other, we believe that a rising tide raises all boats.

Leebron bubble photo“Texas 2036 is proud to be leading this new effort to improve the quality and effectiveness of the data-driven policy decisions in state capitols across the nation. The opportunity is there for like-minded public policy advocates across the states to network and share data and ideas with the goal of fashioning pragmatic solutions at the state level to create better lives and greater opportunity for all.”

David Leebron, president and CEO of Texas 2036

Starting With A Shared Data Tool for the States

A key resource offered to states is the SFF Data Platform which allows people and organizations to explore and visualize data across states and policy areas.

states for the future newsletter data platform viz
Features you’ll find in the tool:

  • Indicator Explorer with 100+ metrics spanning policy areas in all 50 states, downloadable data and summary images.
  • API that can power organizations’ data tools with vetted, reliable data.
  • Organizational profiles to share about their work, tag indicators their organization is following and serve as a prototype for their own tools.

Explore the data

How States for the Future Facilitates Change

Whether an organization is just getting started or has been working within their state for many years, States for the Future has identified four key stages that organizations can work through to structure their impact effectively.

For each stage, States for the Future has collected examples and guiding questions from participating organizations.

states for the future four key stages graphic

Why States for the Future Matters

Justin bubble“When connecting with organizations in other states, we have heard time and again a real and deep desire to develop and champion thoughtful solutions, rooted in data and research, that address the challenges, that while shared by many states, require nuanced, specific contextualization for each state. The States for the Future Network provides the community, tools, and knowledge to further organizational impact.”

Justin Coppedge, senior vice president for strategy and operations of Texas 2036

Did you know? Working on the growth and expansion of States for the Future was Justin’s personal leadership project as a Presidential Leadership Scholar.

What’s Next?

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As States for the Future continues to grow, so does its programming.

In addition to the existing programming and the tools and resources that members and partners enjoy, States for the Future will continue to expand its opportunities to learn and collaborate, such as:

  • ​​Technical assistance for launching nascent or existing organizations that want to leverage the SFF Impact Framework.
  • New program offerings like solutions design summits on critical policy issues (e.g., electrical grid, childcare and housing).
  • Capacity building with resources that elevate data, advocate and improve operations.
  • In-person convenings that build cross-state connections and collaborative learning experiences.
  • Virtual opportunities to discuss policy, data and operational topics with experts and peer organizations.

States for the Future Makes an Impact

new mexico sunset“States for the Future is helping our nascent organization set ourselves up for long-term impact in New Mexico. We never would have been so quick to grow without the support of the network. My career has been with technology startup companies — which are very lonely entities. SFF has provided unlimited support to our startup nonprofit company. For that, we are always grateful!”

Mark Benak, vice president of Imagine New Mexico

Want to learn more about States for the Future?

If you know a state organization outside of Texas that might benefit from States for the Future or if you’re just interested in learning more, click here! 👈

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