Issue Areas:
K-12 Education
Texas Workforce
Issue Areas:
K-12 Education
Texas Workforce
University of Houston – Clearlake
Masters of Science in Educational Management
Prairie View A&M University
Bachelors of Science in Mathematics
Rod Thomas is a Data Analyst at Texas 2036. His responsibilities include researching critical data source metrics, utilizing the latest data visualization tools and creating calculation methods for data migration.
Prior Work Experience
Prior to Texas 2036, Rod worked as a K-12 administrator and educator across the Greater Houston Area. Throughout his tenure in education, he was able to facilitate increased student success for “At-Risk” students and foster improved equity for students from diverse backgrounds.
In addition, Rod has spent several years working with organizations like the Texas AFL-CIO and the American Federation of Teachers to support in the protection of worker’s rights, teacher retention, grassroots organizing and data management.
In his free time, he likes to listen to music, spend time with his family and tackle DIY projects.